I love the linksys router ($89) .... works great

On Sat, 07 Oct 2000, you wrote:
> Sounds like you may have your answer, but I'll stick in my 2 cents worth:
> I use a Cisco 675 router.  It can be programmed to act as your firewall,
> blocking ports as needed.  It can be remotely set up - being new to
> networking I couldn't figure out how to get it going, so my phone co's DSL
> expert logged into it from his office and programmed it for me. You can
> set up different passwords for external and internal access.  It has
> several logic ports for adding in additional IP addresses, etc.  You can
> also use it as a bridge if you need to use PPPoE authentication to log
> onto your ISP.  The price tag isn't cheap - $295.00, but if you have the
> cash it's worth the expense.
> Glen
> On Mon, 2 Oct 2000, Charles Galpin wrote:
> >Could someone recommend a router for use with ADSL (GTE dynamic IP). Not a
> >linux/pc solution since for some reason my mom's office eats them for
> >breakfast. 
> >
> >I know about webramp. Any others? I need to be able to administer it from
> >*outside* the LAN. Being able to access one of the internal windows PC's
> >via vnc would be a plus.
> >
> >thanks
> >charles
> >
> >
> >
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