> Does anyone have any pointers for setting up a print server. This machine
> will need to run 4 printers, printing a total of 1000+ jobs (250 per
> printer). 
> So the main issues to be addressed are, how do I setup multiple parallel
> ports, and is there going to be a problem with it? I'm assuming the rest
> is pretty easy.

What about getting ethernet interfaces for them? This would also be more
efficient than printing thru the parallel port. The linux box will
certainly need boatloads of RAM.

I don't think four parallel port cards in a Linux box would be too hard,
though. Even an old pentium with 4 ISA slots would be able to handle this
just fine as long as you get the IRQs correct...

Ah, found it. Here's an article on how Cisco used Linux to print to 1600
printers worldwide:


Also, check out LRPng:



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