On Sat, 28 Oct 2000, Timothy Reaves wrote:

>     With RPM versions 3, when I wanted to rebuild an rpm for my 686, I
> used the command line 'rpm --rebuild --target i686 rpmname.rpm'.  With
> version 4 of RPM, this produces an error 'error: cannot open i686: No
> such file or directory'.  The man page still lists --target as the
> option to use.

If you typed the command exactly as above then you're just one char off:

rpm --rebuild --target=i686 your.src.rpm

You just needed ------^ the equal sign

Tony Inskeep
Pfeiffer University
704.463.1360 x2172
  Ashamed of what is not a matter for shame, and not ashamed of what is,
  by holding to wrong views people go to a bad rebirth. 316

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