I just upgraded from RH6.0 to RH7.  The upgrade went the smoothest of any
upgrade yet, but there are still a couple of minor glitches on the new
system that are annoying me.

One is that my ppp connection now redials everytime I shut it down.  

Under RH6, I simply used /sbin/ifup ppp0 to connect to my ISP and
/sbin/ifdown ppp0 to bring it down.  No problem.  Once I had upgraded,
though, running /sbin/ifdown ppp0 would bring it down, but it would
immediately redial.

SO, I thought I'd set up my connection using rp3, but the same thing
happens.  Once I've connected via rp3, I can't disconnect without having
it redial.

Any suggestions on how I get this behavior to stop?  I'd like to be able
to bring my ppp connection down.

Thanks in advance,

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