Gustav Schaffter wrote:

> That is not possible. Once subscribed, you're bound to receive mail from
> this list throughout your life.

<tongue in cheek>
It is the latest marketing model for firms trying to make money from open
source software.  You sign up for a mailing list, after all what is better
than free software? free support!  Anyway, once signed up for the mailing
list you can't get off so you might as well go ahead and use the software.
Then late one night you are reading the archives and find the post that
says if you buy the boxed version you can sign up for the insta-download
option that includes a program to sign you off the mailing list.  That way
you are only out the  $89 US for the boxed set and what ever the
insta-download fee is. Not too bad for free software.  Besides in the three
months that it takes to figure out how to get off, the user realises that
his machine has been up the whole time without rebooting and decides it is
not such a bad thing after all and keeps using the software :)
</tongue in cheek>

At least this list is not spammed all the time like some I subscribe to.

I do wonder if the unsubscribe URL should take you to the page for the
password retrieval or at least place the link for the page prominently near
the top so people won't have to read the whole page.  After all if they
liked to read they would stay on the list.


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