Rudy Gireyev wrote:
> Hello from a couple of Linux Newbies!


> The problems are most likely related, but then again who knows.
> The first problem is connecting.

Connecting with what?  telnet?  ssh?  something else?

> Most of the time we will get
> "Unexpected Network error 10053" or "Unable to open connection:
> Connection Refused" upon trying to connect.

Connecting from where to where?  You mean from one Linux box to
another?  From a Windows box to a Linux box?

> We are not network admins so we don't really know where to start
> looking. Originally we thought the NIC was to blame so we swapped it
> out for a 3COM 3c905B. But the problems persist.

If you think you might have network transport trouble, some good
utilities to be familiar with are "traceroute" and "ping".  Check out
their manpages.

> The second problem is once we do manage to connect and sign in, our
> connection is terminated if we stay idle for more than 30 seconds or so.
> The message is "Unexpected Network error 10053".

No clue where this one is coming from.  Do you see the error output on
the Linux box or at the other end?

Try this: log in to the terminal on the Linux box (you'll probably need
to be root) and type "tail -f /var/log/messages".  Then you can watch
your log file scroll by as you try to connect.  With luck, there will be
something in there that's more informative than a simple error number. 
Once you're done watching the log, hit <ctrl>-c to stop the 'tail'

You can also look at the /var/log/messages file using the "less"
command, but that won't let you watch the log file in progress, it'll
only display a snapshot of it.  less also has a manpage that will be
very useful to read if you're a newbie.

> Here is the ifconfig output:
> eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:01:02:46:4B:4F
>           inet addr:x.x.x.x  Bcast:x.x.x.x  Mask:255.255.255.x
>           UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
>           RX packets:65363 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>           TX packets:5466 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>           collisions:34 txqueuelen:100
>           Interrupt:9 Base address:0xfc00

I take it that you're substituting "x.x.x.x" for the actual numbers,
right?  Or is it literally coming up like that?

> Not really sure what other kind of info to supply.
> Any ideas?

Sorry, but the info you supplied would be useful if your networking
weren't working at all, but since it's working intermittently we can be
reasonably sure that your settings are correct, more or less, but
something someplace else is screwy.

More useful would be the pertinent section of your /var/log/messages
file.  Log files are your friend.

The output of traceroute from the Linux box to your internet gateway
might be useful.

The output of ten seconds' worth of ping from your Linux box to the
internet gateway also might be useful.

Just guessing in the dark though, my bet is that you have some sort of
hardware trouble that actually exists outside the Linux system, like a
bad cable or something.  Whenever I hear of a setup that works some of
time, I tend to suspect hardware rather than software.

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