
%-> Good point Marco.  I'm not trying to say one operating system is better
%-> than the other.  I should have worded my subject better.  I was working
%-> from the assumption that Linux outperforms Windows and I'm
%-> trying to find
%-> out what I don't have configured properly.
%-> Do I have to upgrade the kernel and add more ram to the Linux
%-> server to get
%-> it to support ftp transfer rates greater than 40Mbps when connected by
%-> cross-over cable to another machine (Linux or Windows)?

Rumour has it that the Win2K TCP/IP stack borrows heavily from BSD, so it
should perform adequately in theory. In practice, I've found Win2K
networking performance as good as Linux.

You need to check a few variables here, perhaps also run tcpdump in verbose
mode to see the difference between the sessions at a packet level. Try
running a different ftp server/daemon than ProFTPD if you can -- it might
negotiate e.g. inappropriate values for your send and receive buffers on the
Linux box.

The Win2K perfmon program could be useful for you. Set it up to sample data
from the network interface, and look at the graph, comparing ftp sessions
between the different systems. On a small, uncomplicated LAN, the graph
should be fairly straight, without dips and peaks, especially with quick
machines like you have.

Another thing that I would try is to put one of the Intel cards into the RH
box, to see if makes a difference. It could be a driver issue.

Finally, there are all kinds of sysctl tweak options for IP... check out
{your_kernel_source_dir}/linux/Documentation/sysctl for more details.


-- Juha

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