Thanks everyone for the help. Now(of course) I have two more
(i use KDE by the way)

1)Assuming I'm ready to reboot, is there a keyboard command
to reboot all together?(avoiding the GUI logout->GUI Login Screen-> Choosing "reboot"  
Isn't Ctrl+Alt+Del a little harsh when
it comes to rebooting, or is it safe?

2) I have created a new user using userconf, leaving
the default permissions on the account.  The problem is
I can't log in to X with this new account. After entering
the correct username/password it attempts to fire up the
desktop, but then quickly hangs and sends me back to the log
in prompt.(unlike the shaky login prompt thing when you give a bad
password, it appears to begin to load the desktop by changing the background color. no 
icons though)
Do you all think this a permissions thing or a default display setting that X doesn't 
Do I need to give the user account some privilege for this runlevel?
I inhereted this machine so I don't know it's history.
(just for kicks i added this new user to the root group, hoping it was a permission
thing, but that didn't change anything)

Should I be asking this on like a redhat-clueless-newbie@list  or is this list Ok?

Thanks again,
Eric Brown

On Friday, November 03, 2000 6:05 AM, Richard W. Gowen [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> If my mouse gets stuck I usually do a CTRL-ALT-F2 (or any F key except F1)
> from the console to get a text login.  The log in as root and kill the X
> proc.  Not the cleanest way to do it I'm sure.  But, it works.
> Richard.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Eric Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2000 6:05 PM
> Subject: Logout shortcut
> > Hello,
> > How do you log out of X Windows with keyboard commands?
> > (like Alt+F4 or something like that) I haven't been
> > able to find this out.
> > I know this is silly....
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Eric Brown
> >
> >
> >
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