Charles posted the following, which I have truncated for brevity:
Quote on:
  But, what really surprised me was
the difference in beformance between my two scsi systems - one brnad new,
and the other not much more than a year old.
"old" scsi setup:
adaptec 2940U2W
2 x 9GB IBM (?deskstar? DDRS-39130D) LVD drives
I'm pretty sure I have the bios set at 80MB/sec (verified w/ /proc/scsi/*)
Timing buffered disk reads: 12.85 MB/sec both disks
new scsi system:
adaptec 29160
1 x 18gb seagate ultra 160 (ST318436LW)
bios set for 160MB/sec tranfers
Timing buffered disk reads: 25.20 MB/sec
The new system is *twice* as fast.
I had expected the "old" setup to perfrom as well, or even outperform the
nw one. maybe I'm just showing my ignorance here?
Does thsi look right? if not, how can I increase performance on the
"old" setup?
Quote off.

Your new SCSI card and drives _are_ twice as fast.
Why should you be surprised?  (Wish I could afford that
setup!--drool--)  --doug

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