I have RH 7.0 both at home and at work.  I use "slrn" to
read several news groups, again both at home and at work.

I had to change ISP's and now I can not read my new ISP's
news groups from work because they don't authenticate users
unless they use a "dial-up-connection".  I even tried
placing a `nnrpaccess "hostname" "user" "passwd"` in my
.slrnrc file, but no luck.  At home I have no problems with
slrn because I have a "dial-up-connection".

Are there any "free" news servers that I can use from
the office?  I know about "Deja", but I don't want a 
"web based" news service.

Any help??  Any advise??

Christopher W. Aiken, Scenery Hill, Pa, USA
chris at cwaiken dot com,   www.cwaiken.com
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