On Fri, 10 Nov 2000, Patrick Kelly wrote:

> I have a RedHat 6.2 install.  When the boot process list the starting of
> services, the system logger reports that it fails.  When I run top, I see
> syslogd running, but I cannot find the systemlog in the /log .  I've pulled
> the etc/syslog.conf file from a working machine with the same result. can
> anybody help me correct this?
> PK
> Be liberal in what you accept, and conservative in what you send.
Check to see if klogd is also running.  It sounds like klogd is not
starting for some reasion, and that is why you are getting the [FAILED]
message.  Syslogd will not be able to log anything from the kernel if
klogd is not running, but dmesg should show you the messages.


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