On Mon, Nov 13, 2000 at 04:32:53PM -0800, Ed Lazor wrote:
| How can I take output from an awk command and run a command on each line?
| For example:
| ls -la s* | awk '{print $9}'
| would create several lines of output and I'd like to do something like grep 
| the lines from a file.

The canonical way is

        ..... | awk '{print $9}' \
        | while read file
          do  some command using $file ...

I'd remark that:

        ls -d s*

is better than

        ls -la s* | awk '{print $9}'

because it won't break on filenames with whitespace in them, and that

        for file in s*
        do  some command using $file ...

is both faster (no forking off an ls command) and better (no parsing
needed even at the line level because the results of "s*" are retrieved
directly by the shell, thus handling even very weird filenames with
newlines in them) than either. God, that's a badly constructed
sentence. Sorry.

Never forget that the shell has some handy facilities. I frequently say

        echo *blah*
        echo */*blah*

instead of using

        find -name '*blah*' -print

when I know I have a deep directory tree and/or I know the file I'm
looking for is close to the top. Etc etc.

Cameron Simpson, DoD#743        [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.zip.com.au/~cs/

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