The only commercial native Linux schematic and PCB design software that
I am aware of is Eagle from CadSoft:

I've recently purchased the PCB portion and so far it seems to work
pretty good. A free version is available that just limits the design to
a two layer, 4x3 inch board.

Otherwise, you are probably stuck with trying a Windoze program under
Wine or Vmware or win4lin. The current freeware Linux programs are not
yet up to my needs, unfortunately. A rather large list of both free and
commercial CAE tools for Linux is at:

For taking a look at the gerber files output by Eagle, I use the free
version of ViewMate running under Wine:

There are for some reason numerous commercial VHDL and Verilog
simulators and other tools for Linux, with another coming out every few
months. I own and regularly use a couple of these. And a few of us are
running the Xilinx implementation tools under Wine. A good list of these
tools are at the bottom of:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas Ribbrock [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2000 5:26 AM
> Subject:      PCB Design? (was: OT - PCB's)
> On Wed, Nov 15, 2000 at 12:43:47PM -0500, Burke, Thomas G. wrote:
> > 
> >     I know most of you aren't interested, but for those who are
> > engineers:
> [...]
> To drag that on topic (now that you mention it): Are there people out
> there designing PCBs with Linux (preferably including schematic) - and
> what programs are they using for it?
> Cheerio,
> Thomas

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