hmmm, sounds like you 'jostled' your HD when you installed your
RAM.  A static discharge perhaps?  But that would have fried
everything, so it probably wasn't a static discharge.  I believe
your best bet for recovering the old /home is to manually mount
it from the newer installation running from your good HD:

mkdir /home2
mount -t ext2 /dev/hdb3 /home2

NOTE:  'hdb3' is provided for example purposes, only.  Your mount
command may vary:

hda = IDE primary master
hdb = IDE primary slave
hdc = IDE secondary master
hdd = IDE secondary slave

'hdb3' = IDE primary slave, third partition


On Fri, 17 Nov 2000, Ken Kirchner wrote:

> I just had my /home /var and / partitons vanish from my sight!  I was
> installing some memory so I shut down the machine and installed it.  When
> I booted back up I got a kernel panic because of some error on device
> 03:05.  The drive was partitioned like so:
>       /dev/hda1       /boot
>       /dev/hda2       Extended Partition
>       /dev/hda5       /
>       /dev/hda6       /home
>       /dev/hda7       /var
>       /dev/hda8       swap
> I am not sure about any of the sizes.  I grabbed another hardrive and
> installed a fresh copy of linux so I could mount my hosed drive and see if
> I could recover anything.  Once the new install was finished I fdisked the
> hosed drive to see what was going on.  hda1 looked ok and the hda2
> extended partition looked ok, but hda5 had some massive blocks assigned to
> it. hda6, 7, and 8 were gone.  fdisk also displayed some errors, but would
> allow me to manipulate the partition tables.  I went ahead and made hda5
> the entire size of the extended partition.  I then mounted it and had a
> look.  All of my root partition info seemed to be there, but what I
> really want to salvage is my /home dir.  Other than just trying to guess
> where my partitions began and ended, is there some utility out there that
> can scan a drive and look for superblocks or some such?  Is there any way
> for me to get back my partitions?  Any idea what caused this crap to begin
> with?
> It's RH6.2 btw, and yes, I did try removing the memory first.
> -- 
> Ken Kirchner                   :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Assitant System Administrator  :  Tel (318)222-2638
> ShreveNet, Inc.                :  Fax (318)213-2650
> ShreveNet - Your Premium Internet Service Provider!
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