You're looking at a CD that was geneated on a Windows system...the
"~1" indicates that they forced 8.3 filename convention instead of letting
it run its option you probably don't see on anything other
than Windows sytems.

There isn't really anything that mount can do about this...

Have you actually tried run, to see what happens?

On Mon, 20 Nov 2000, Steven W. Orr wrote:

> I got a cd in the mail from APPGEN. I mount it using:
> mount /mnt/cdrom
> and it seems to mount ok.  Then I cd /mnt/cdrom and I see the following:
> [root@syslang cdrom]# ls
> license  readme  setup~1.kde  zag_init  zag_li~1  zagjava.gif
> [root@syslang cdrom]#
> The problem is that, according to appgen, the file zag_init is supposed to
> be zaG_INIT.  And is supposed to be
> I checked the man page formount and I don't see anything wrong. My mtab
> file sez:
> /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom iso9660 ro,nosuid,nodev 0 0
> and my mount command (with no args) sez
> /dev/scd0 on /mnt/cdrom type iso9660 (ro,nosuid,nodev)
> I saw that check=strict is the default, so I am out out of ideas. Anybody
> have any idea? BTW, APPGEN has no clue at all. "Hey it works for me."

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