> On Mon, 20 Nov 2000, Stan Isaacs wrote:
> >    A beginner simply takes the "|" to work like a ";", and their limited
> > testing seems to show that to be correct.  They are likely never to get
> > processes that take enough time to show the mistake, in simple testing.
> > Perhaps you are correct, that we should give up shell scripting and go
> > directly to perl!
> I would say that this is perfect thing to cover in your class. This
> 'bug/feature' illustrates three things:
> 1) The shell does exactly what you tell it, even if it makes no sense.
> 2) Just because something works doesn't mean it's right.
> 3) It is important to know how things work, rather than just what motions
> to go through.

   Yes, that's, of course, what I try to do.  But in a short class (it only
meets 12 hours in 6 weeks), I mostly need to focus on more basic things,
such as what a file is, how redirection works, directory structure, etc.
If I ever get this expanded to a semester course, or even just get a couple
of hours more, I can cover "how" in much more depth (I do now, in a second
12-hour class called "unix 2"); my problem is to get them through the real
basics without confusing them too much, at this time.

> The PS1 thing is another opportunity, show how it really gets set and why.
> On RedHat, .bash_profile sources .bashrc which sources /etc/bashrc. So,
> where should one set PS1? At the end of .bashrc or .bash_profile,
> depending on how subshells should behave.
> The full comment in /etc/bashrc on my machine (RH6.0) is:
> # For some unknown reason bash refuses to inherit
> # PS1 in some circumstances that I can't figure out.B
> # Putting PS1 here ensures that it gets loaded every time.
> PS1="[\u@\h \W]\\$ "
> Sounds pretty clear to me.

    Thanks for quoting it for me.  That's exactly the question I'm asking:
What is the "unknown reason"?  Has anybody figured out the circumstances?
Then maybe I could decide if it's worth while to pull the setting out of

 -- Stan Isaacs

> $.02
> Bill Carlson
> -- 
> Systems Programmer    [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  Opinions are mine,
> Virtual Hospital      http://www.vh.org/        |  not my employer's.
> University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics      |
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