On Mon, Nov 27, 2000 at 06:23:14PM +0100, Wolfgang Pfeiffer wrote:
> Here on my machine it seems to mean danger for the whole LINUX when
> running Netscape: if I do not check memory and swap every 5 minutes or so
> when Netscape is on, it has happened that either of them must have been
> *(1) so full, that everything on X froze: I was not even able to reboot
Well, there are two things I found:
a) When running Netscape 4.x, *do not enable Java* unless you *really*
have to! Not having Java enabled does wonders for Netscape's
stability, I found - on both Linux and Solaris.
b) Don't use Communicator but use the plain Navigator instead - saves
some vital space at times it seems, and most external mail- and news
programs are better anyway, IMO.
My EUR0.02,
"Look, Ma, no obsolete quotes and plain text only!"
Thomas Ribbrock | http://www.bigfoot.com/~kaytan | ICQ#: 15839919
"You have to live on the edge of reality - to make your dreams come true!"
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