you will be missed. good luck, although you don't need it :)


On Tue, 28 Nov 2000, Hal Burgiss wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 28, 2000 at 08:21:47PM -0800, Gordon Messmer wrote:
> > This message is just a thank you to the people who run this list, and
> > those who've helped me learn the past couple of years I've been here.
> > 
> > I haven't been reading most of the messages here for a while.  I'm trying
> > to find more time to get out with friends, read books, that sort of thing.
> > In the spring I plan to move to Seattle and find a job that pays a lot
> > more.  Until then, I'm finishing up most of the stuff that I'm involved
> > in.
> Sorry to see you go Gordon. You always had well informed posts. Good
> luck with new endeavors and whatever comes your way ;) 

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