On Wed, 29 Nov 2000, Jamin Collins wrote:

> Take a look at PoPToP, it's an opensource implimentation of an MS compatible
> VPN server for Linux.

If I remember correct PPTP has some bug issues. Unfortunaly I#ve forgotten
the link

> Home
> http://poptop.lineo.com
> Good installation instructions
> http://www.vibrationresearch.com/pptpd/example.html
> Jamin W. Collins
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael R. Jinks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2000 10:11 AM
> Subject: VPN suggestions?
> Greetings.
> In the near future I'm going to have to set up two VPN rigs, for two
> different purposes, and before I get started I'd like to solicit the
> opinion of the list for good technology options.
> The first VPN should be the simplest; we'll need to connect our subnet
> to that of a client company, hopefully with static IP's at each end; we
> may even have the liberty of selecting our own hardware to support the
> connection.  So I was thinking that a pair of Red Hat or OpenBSD boxen
> with IPSec, acting as subnet gateways, would probably do the trick.
> BUT, the last time I tried to set that up I ran into fits, so
> suggestions for idiot tools or supplemental documentation would be
> welcome.
> The second VPN will be trickier.  We want to provide service to people
> at home and on the road, allowing them to connect securely to our office
> network from a Linux or Windows box.  None of the Windows users ever
> access a command line, so something as simple as an SSH client won't do
> them much good.  We would need to support HTTP and Samba services for
> the Windows folks.
> We are a mostly-Red Hat shop, but I have some experience with other
> Unices including the BSD's.  We don't like proprietary, closed-source
> security software _at_ _all_, but we recognize that sometimes you have
> to face reality where that's concerned.
> Thanks for any thoughts.
> -m

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