I'm relatively sure that it's not a variable set in a shell config
file...I have the same thing happen on both my 6.1 (Cartman) and 7.0
(Guinness) boxes.

I will echo your sentiments about A) timeouts not necessarily being a bad
thing and B) using SSH.

To Gary, I would submit that having a timeout is actually a good
thing...should you leave work or whatever, and forget to log out of your
telnet (or even ssh) session, but left it at a command prompt, then the
timeout will help you avoid the unpleasant possibility of someone coming
along and doing damage to your system while logged in as you.

Next, I would submit that if you wish to keep those sessions alive, you
should run some sort of continual process.

Personally, I like to keep tabs on my system, so I'll usually run either
"top" or "tail -f /var/log/<some log file>".  Having a continuously
running process effectively kills the idle timer.

On Thu, 30 Nov 2000, Emmanuel Seyman wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 30, 2000 at 06:42:13PM +0800, gary a ecrit:
> >
> > I've RH6.0 server, normally I'll telnet into this server for many tasks,
> > but if I let my telnet session idle for quite sometime, the system will
> > kicked me out automatically...
> > Please help to advise where can i change the setting to disable this feature.
> The first thing that comes to mind is that that the TMOUT variable is set.
> This limits the number of seconds you can remain idle at the command line prompt
> after which you be deconnected.
> I suggest you try 'echo $TMOUT' on your machine. If the variable is set,
> you'll see the number of seconds you can stay idle. Then, you can edit
> your .bash_profile or /etc/profile to change the setting or deactivate it.
> Emmanuel Seyman
> PS: A timeout setting isn't as bad as it sounds. It's the first thing I
> add to the root account of all the servers I install (with a 4 minutes
> deadline).
> PPS: Use ssh, not telnet!
> Emmanuel Seyman
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