Depends on what you mean by "dial-in".  Most people usually mean dial-up
networking services, in which you use your modem as a netork interface. 
In that case, the place to go is the PPP HOWTO

The software you'll need will be the pppd daemon (available on a Red Hat
CD if not already installed on your system) and some sort of serial line
control program; I've always used mgetty, I think that it also comes on
the Red Hat CD.

If what you want is terminal dialup -- dial your modem, get a login
session -- that's a lot easier, all you need is the serial line control
program, mgetty by itself should do the trick.

Good luck,

Corisen wrote:
> hi, how can i implement a dial-in server using a linux box? is there any
> how-to? are the service already installed in RH7? or do i need to download a
> dial-in server program? which program is recommended?
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Michael Jinks, IB // Technical Entity // Saecos Corporation
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