At 04:25 PM 06/12/2000 -0600, you wrote:
> >> I think there is an underlying question that needs to be asked...
> >>
> >> Why do you want to change BOOT_IMAGE?  If you think that is going to 
> affect
> >> how your computer boots, you are mistaken.
> >
> >You are correct. /etc/lilo.conf seems to be the governing file here, but 
> I have a number of statements
> >in my lilo.conf file and even though the Boot_Image statement points to 
> an image that is no longer first
> >in the list, it still is the default boot image that is used if the 
> computer reboots and I am not around.
> >
> >So, I figured I had to change something 'else' other than just the 
> lilo.conf file and noticed my environment statements when I ran ENV.
>If you've rearranged the order of the lines in the file, the default image
>(the first one) will be loaded, IFF you run /sbin/lilo to rebuild the
>boot block.

Thank you very much for your extremely informative response. As well I want 
to thank all the others who responded to my question.
I checked my /etc/lilo.conf file and sure enough, just as is indicated 
below - I had ' default=liinux' in my /etc/lilo.conf file. I now have it
removed (commented out)... and I reran /sbin/lilo and the first entry in my 
lilo.conf file is now seen as the one that will boot. That is
what I wanted and so now all things are well. At least I hope so. Any 
additional comments (if any) are invited..

And once again thank you MB and all the others who helped..

>Here is my lilo.conf:
>         label=linux
>         initrd=/boot/initrd-2.2.16-3.img
>         read-only
>         root=/dev/hda1
>         append="mem=256M"
>         label=linux-old
>         initrd=/boot/initrd-2.2.14-5.0.img
>         read-only
>         root=/dev/hda1
>         append="mem=256M"
>     Bart: Hey, why is it destroying other toys?  Lisa: They must have
>     programmed it to eliminate the competition.  Bart: You mean like
>     Microsoft?  Lisa: Exactly.  [The Simpsons - 12/18/99]
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Ted Gervais
Coldbrook, Nova Scotia Canada.
Be alert, the world needs more lerts

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