> Ok people,
> I have been off the list for quite some time now so I am out of the loop. I
> have a box that is in need of an upgrade. I am looking to upgrade to a 1GHz
> chip and am wondering if anyone can recommend a good processor/board combo
> that is 100% Linux compatable? TIA for any help!

1) ... stay away from Pentuim 4s  ;)

My favorite for a uniprocessor machine is the Athlon Thunderbird. if you
can get a motherboard using the newer AMD760 (or was it 780?) chipset,
you'll be fine. Problem is that the DDR Ram can be expensive for the
next siz months.

Otherwise, the Duron is a good board, and PC133 Ram is cheap nowadays.
I've heard of no problems with these setups and Linux (not saying there
aren't, just haven't heard of any), so pick a good performing board (I
use www.anandtech.com as a good overview) and you should be fine.


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