
I have two RH6.2 boxes connected to each other by Ethernet, a crossover
cable.  Both have 3Com 905 cards.

The names are eclipse and nova.  The weird thing is that nova MUST come
up first, or they won't talk to each other.

If I boot eclipse when nova is not on, eth0 is not activated.  If I
later boot nova and run 'ifup eth0' on eclipse, I get this message:

SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such device
SIOCADDRT: Network is down
SIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable

If I run the same command AGAIN, it just hangs and I have to kill a
process or two to get the shell prompt back.  Then, (if I ran ifup eth0
twice during that session), when I shut down the computer, it hangs on
bringing eth0 down, and I can do nothing but hit reset.  It doesn't
unmount the filesystems.

When nova is the first one up, eth0 comes up fine, and when it's on when
eclipse comes up, everything is great.

The files /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 are identical on the
two systems, except for the IP addresses of course.  nova is
and eclipse is

Any ideas?  I'd kind of like to get this fixed because in almost all
cases, eclipse is the one I'd rather turn on first in the day.  I'm not
a "leave the computer on all the time" guy, especially with rising power


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