I've got a RedHat 6.2 system that corrupted its vmlinuz image during a power
failure. When I boot the system, I get:

lilo: <cr>
Loading linux...
Uncompressing linux................

and the machine resets, and this happens over and over. Sometimes, it hangs
with "Uncompressing linux" and the screen goes black.

I guess I can boot with a boot floppy or emergency disk, and copy the vmlinuz
file from another machine (also running 6.2). These are stock kernels, no

I should be able to copy vmlinuz to its location on the failing computer. I
suspect I need to recreate the .map file. How would I do this? The .map file
is the list of inodes or sectors on which vmlinuz resides, correct?

And after that is accomplished, I should be able to run lilo to flush the
changes to LILO.

So how would I recreate the map file in the /boot directory?

Loyd Goodbar

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