wanna know i'm seeing this clearly before i wreak havoc :)ha

use of parted:
here's my disk geo:

Using /dev/hda
Warning: The operating system thinks the geometry on /dev/hda is
1653/255/63.  You should check that this matches the BIOS geometry
before using this program.
(parted) print
Disk geometry for /dev/hda: 0-12970.6 megabytes
Minor   Start     End    Type            Filesystem     Flags
1          0.0   1004.1  primary         FAT            boot
3       1027.6   4541.8  primary         ext2
4       4541.8  12966.5  extended
5       4541.8   6542.1  logical         FAT
6       6542.1   8542.4  logical         FAT
7       8542.4  10542.7  logical         FAT
8      10542.7  10676.0  logical         linux-swap
( no idea what happened to 10676.1-12966.4? ..maybe i messed up when i
initially redid windows/linux ? which hopefully means I"m missing out on
nearly 2GIG..)

so i want to remove Minor 7 to gain space for linux primary at Minor 3
so I do :
(difference of 10542.7-8542.4=1999.7 *although supposed to be a little
over 2GIG?*,--then add in difference to end of Minor 3 )

(parted) rm 7
(parted) resize 3 1027.6 6541.5 ( because in ext2 the start must remain
just that )

then update fstab...

and whala right?


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