hi my linux is hosed........
lol.......gotta laugh.anyway i did a dumb thing
which i learned from......when i initially installed I didn't define
part.'s../usr /home /root etc.  all in same part.
so now that my linuxbox is messed up i dont think i can recover anything
because /root seems to have dissappeared........

when I boot computer it says kernel panic...sorry don't recall exact message
after that :(........i think it was something to do with file system

i do know that above that error line its showing bad superblock.......so
something happend i guess that fried my /root and since i run as "root" then
i guess i'm hosed right?

or if not completely hosed what can I do to at least get in and get my
nsmail directory from netscape which i value the most :-)!!!!!!!--i tried to
do linux rescue.......it got me in alright but i can't get to /root.......no
idea what caused all this except? i am running redhat 7 with 2.4.0-test11 (
okay yeah deveopment kernel ) and low-latency patch........

okay last bit of ouch news.....I did use cfdisk or something like that which
is like fdisk for windows......similar sorta gui.............i created a new
partition in linux from what was still available on HD.......it did give me
warning that i might loose data if i continue......okay I figured stock
warning......maybe not so stock i'm wondering if that was partly
responsible for my ails........after that is when it seemed things started
getting a little worse.........

sorry i know this is alot i wanted to give all possible releavant info to
assist with this..

if i need to reformat linux part so be it i won't be loosing a great
deal........besides now i have cable modem ( if i can get to work in
linux--modem no biggie its stock 3com but NIC card dunno..its a SMC
EtherPower card ) so i can reclaim what i've lost relatively quickly.......(
i think this time no test kernel and maybe now low-latency patch )


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