> there are tons of them and while i'm pluggin in what I think? is right
> i'm not sure.....besides i can't "activate" the darn thing!!!!!!!!

well i did find a site (dhcp mini-howto ) that seems to suggest that for
my hardware combo that i need no settings other than the dns
#'s........then it mentions use of pump as opposed to dhcp.......

dhcp wan't working so i tried the pump stuff where you have to edit
/sbin/ifup and another ifup somehwhere......sorry can't recall its
location at moment i'm in windows as my local IPS is also down due to cut
maintrunk.....ha what a night :)LOL

so after all edited i did from console:
/sbin/ifup eth0
well it thought about it but failed to connect........

BUT this time when i tried going to netscapes site it thought about it
instead of saying can't find.......hmm

anyway.......any help appreciated.........SMC8432BTA etherpower card with
3com homeconnect modem.....


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