Linux Journal recently had a way to copy disks:

       tar clf - . | ( umask 0; cd /dir/to/copy/to; tar xvf - )

      c  =  create  
      l  =  stay on local file system (don't cross
       filesystem boundaries) 
       f = file (the next argument is  the
       name  of  the tarfile or "-") 

       - = write to standard out or
       read from standard in 

       x = extract 

       v =  verbose  

       "umask  0" ensures  that  the  new files have the same permissions
       as the old ones.

I tested it and it seemed to work great. What I am wondering is using this
with two identical drives on the same machine as a way to routinely back
up the first drive to the second. But in subsequent backups, how could I
employ the "find" command to just back up files that have changed since
the last backup?

On Mon, 8 Jan 2001, Samuel Flory wrote:

> Samuel Flory wrote:
> >   In any event.  Wouldn't it be easier to do a "cp -ax / /mnt/tmp"?
> > Sure you could use a complex tar or cpio command, but why?
> > 
> opps should be "cp -ax / /home /mnt/tmp"

Gary Nielson

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