>I've got pop3s enabled (default rh7).  I am trying to get root login via
>pop3s.  I've put the debugging on in the pop pam configuration file.
>Looking at the logfile i get "returning 0 (Success)" as the last output
>pam_stack before
>ipop3d[14340]: Logout user=root host=localhost.localdomain []
>If I put in the wrong password in then the last output from pam_stack is
>returning 15 (Authentication service cannot retrieve user credentials),
>before the logout log entries as per above.


Do not do this as it will, or rather already is, a gaping security hole,
forward roots mail to a non elevated user and use that for pop3 access

root by default should not be able to use most services from inetd0


Greg Wright
IT Consultant Sydney Australia


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