On Tue, Jan 09, 2001 at 10:00:34AM -0700, Frank Carreiro wrote:
> I havent' seen them since the sale though you might want to consider 
> xf86's drivers.  I believe they support most Voodoo cards.

Well, all I saw there was that they pointed me to linux.3dfx.com.

> After reading the 3dfx home page I'm no longer purchasing these cards.  
> Why would I purchase a card made by a company that doesn't exist 
> anymore?

I have one that I bought before the announced .com.death.

> I've used voodoo's for years and am sorry to see them go.  

It's a vicious world out there.

> Guess I'll purchase a geforce2 and get used to a few vendor.

Reminds me of trying to find a bank that won't get eaten by BankOne...

        Dave Ihnat

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