On Tue, Jan 09, 2001 at 12:34:49PM -0500, Eddie Strohmier wrote:
> Hello:
> <snippage>
>  I am running into an error that I can not seem to resolve via the
> archives on moongroup.com or redhat.com. The machine fails with the
> installer on a simple RH 6.2 load. It errors out with references to unable
> to write various anaconda files in their proper directories. I have tried
> loading the machine without anaconda and I make it but my NIC card is not

I thought anaconda WAS the RH installer.... how do you install without
using it?

Have you downloaded the updated anaconda diskette image(s) from RH and
tried them?

> seen nor does the addition of an alias to conf.modules work. In fact if I
> add a line to conf.modules for the NIC card it will see it but fails to
> communicate with network. I have ruled out the NIC card hardware problem

You don't say what network card this is,... FWIW here's my experience
using 3c509bTPO cards on three different machines with RH 5.2 and 6.2:

--Turn OFF Plug-n-Pray if your card allows it (the 3c509 does, but you 
must use a DOS utility to do so).
--leave the alias in conf.modules
--do not put any IRQ or address options for the network card into
conf.modules. If you do, the drive install will fail at boot time.
You'll still be able to insmod the driver by hand after boot, then start
up the network, but it will not happen at boot time. Don't ask me why,
I merely report what I observe! :^)

If you have a different card "your mileage may vary".

> because I have tried 3 other cards that I know work. I believe the culprit
> to be my BIOS system but I recently had this machine up and running Windoze
> (98) for my kids and it saw this same NIC card fine with the same BIOS
> system. I remember someone on the list having a problem very similar to this
> and his only resolution was to replace the NIC card. The difference with his
> system was that it happened on a reboot and the errors started to be
> reported. The Digital Prioris P-90 does not have a BIOS that shows
> interrupts during bootup nor what hardware other than hard drive and CD-ROM
> that were detected. I am sending this to the list in hopes that maybe
> someone is running this same machine and has found a resolution to this. I
> have tried everything I know how but have never had this much difficulty in
> getting Linux to run on any system. Seems my easy way out is just to scrap
> it and find another cheap 486 with 1 gig drive. Any ideas? If more info is
> need please let me know and I will write down the exact errors.

For the kind of service you suggest you will use this machine for even
a P90 is probably overkill, so if you end up using something less powerful
I doubt anybody will notice.

I'm using an old AMD K5-PR133 (100 Mhz part) here as a server/firewall/
ip-masq box, it used to be a P90, and it exerts no noticeable influence
on network performance. Probably one of the old 486 boards I have lying
around would work just as well.

Good luck!


---- Fred Smith -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ----------------------------
                    The Lord detests the way of the wicked 
                  but he loves those who pursue righteousness.
----------------------------- Proverbs 15:9 (niv) -----------------------------

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