Hi everybody,

I don't know if this is the best place to ask but if anybody knows
where I should go, please redirect me ....

I am trying to setup a linux pptp client to a VPN server at my company.

The facts :

- the connection works fine using Win2K default VPN stuff , 128 bit
encryption, right out of the box.

- on linux (same machine, dual boot) I did :

  - get the latest pppd software, patched it with mppe 128 encryption.
  - recompiled my 2.2.16 kernel on RH 6.2 with this new stuff.
  - get the latest pptp-linux-1.02 and installed.

Well, it doesn't work even everybody seems to think it should :=)

The symptoms :

- pptp first reports the connection is established
- dies saying "there is an error openning call. callid 0."

Any hints about what gives ?



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