I am a new user of Redhat.
I am using version 5.1
I am trying to get squid working,but after I give the squid -z command the following lines return.
Creating swap directories.
FATAL: Failed to make swap directory /usr/spool/squid: (13) Permission denied.
Squid cache (version 1.1.22):Terminated abnormaly.
CPU usage: user 0 sys 0
Maximum resident size: 0 KB
Page faults with physical i/o:164
After installation :
Squid is located in  /usr/sbin
Squid.conf is located in /etc
Squid.conf.default is located in /etc
Squid.conf.rpmorig is located in /etc
Then there is an other squid located in /var/lock/subsys
I dont know how to get sqiud working.
Jan de Kok.

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