On Thu, 11 Jan 2001, Austin wrote:

> I have a spare machine with an AMD-K6-2/400 and 64M RAM
> I want to use this as a
> 1) archive/backup
> 2) fileserver, serving up MP3's and docs mostly
> 3) database server (using Sybase)
> 4) CVS server
> 5) Run SAMBA (obviously)
> 6) possibly also a print server as well
> I only have 6 other computers on my Home Network.
> Anyone think, this is too much to for this one box to handle?
For a home system with only 6 other computers, it should handle it.  About
the only problem I can see is the amount of RAM.


    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
 for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

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