> Posted-Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2001 08:24:45 -0800
> From: Chuck Carson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I am trying to utilize the ssh-agent, ssh-add, ssh-keygen features of sshv2.
> I am not sure if I am even doing this correctly, and the man pages are kind
> of confusing.
> I want to be able to ssh/scp to several machines and not be prompted for a
> password. I have ran ssh-keygen, which created private and public key files.
> I placed the contents of the public key into ${HOME}/.ssh/authorized_keys
> for each host that I want to connect to. However, I am still prompted for a
> password.
> I then started looking at the ssh-agent and ssh-add commands, thinking this
> was needed as well. I noticed that when I ran ssh-agent, it created a
> process and tried to set some environment variables. However, these
> variables were no present in my shells environment. So, I tried 'ssh-agent
> -s' explicitly, which generates bourne shell output, and still nothing.
> I am thinking bash is broken, this is a RH 6.2 machine.
> Here are my versions:
> [chuckc@logs .ssh]$ rpm --query -a | egrep "ssh|bash"
> bash-1.14.7-22
> bash2-2.03-8
> openssh-2.1.1p1-1
> openssh-clients-2.1.1p1-1
> openssh-server-2.1.1p1-1
> Am I doing something wrong?
> Thanks,
> CC

I went through this about a month ago when I set up ssh - let's see if
I can remember everything I did.

For something, I also had to create the following link in my .ssh
directory: identity -> id_dsa

I think I also edited the /etc/ssh/ssh_config and /etc/ssh/sshd_config
to list:

Protocol 2,1

instead of 1,2

You also need to get all your bash shells to have those environment
variables.  I have my .login check if it's from the console and if so,
run ssh-agent so that I type in my pass phrase and that causes the
environment variables to be included in any xterms that get created
when X starts up.

Just running ssh-agent in one xterm doesn't cause those environment
variables to be exported to all the other shells.  You could save the
output of ssh-agent and then source that file in each bash shell.


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