I'm trying mount a new disk... and I've gotten this message before and
can't figure out what was the fix!

server1> disk mounted & exported, nfs restarted

server2> mount server1:/home1 /mnt/test

and I get:
NFS Portmap: RPC: Program not registered

portmapper is running on both systems...

The machine I'm trying to mount the disk on has always been a server and
client for nfs
mounts.  The machine with the new disk is a "new" server... this is the
first mount off of it.    It shouldn't matter much but server2 is Linux,
server1 is DEC unix... I already have several mounts to and from
linux/dec unix on other systems.

> server
> root@server1:> rpcinfo -p localhost
>    program vers proto   port
>     100000    2   tcp    111  portmapper
>     100000    2   udp    111  portmapper
> client
> [root@server2 /root]# rpcinfo -p localhost
>    program vers proto   port
>     100000    2   tcp    111  portmapper
>     100000    2   udp    111  portmapper


- Dan Kirkpatrick - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
|         Systems Administrator           |
|          Physics Department             |
|    Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY    |

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