On Mon, 15 Jan 2001, Mike Burger wrote:

> On Mon, 15 Jan 2001, Statux wrote:
> > > I not really get u, like how to make /var/spool/mail 0775....
> > > it is like. chmod 0775 /var/spool/mail ? and how to make it owned by
> > > root:mail?
> > > or can you please provide more clearer picture of the 1st method?
> >
> > chmod mode object
> >
> > to make /var/spool/mail 0775: chmod 0775 /var/spool/mail
> >
> > to make it owner root and group mail: chown root:mail /var/spool/mail
> Will that work?  I've always used a ".", a la:
> chmod root.mail /var/spool/mail

GNU's chown explicitly allows either a dot or a colan.  Various other
flavours of commercial unix require one or the other.  At least one (dg/ux?
- not sure, a repressed memory) that doens't allow either and requires you
to chgrp seperatly.  The lowest common demoninator is an ugly ugly thing but
GNU tools are nice. ;)


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