Richard Bligdon wrote:
> Ok,well I guess that's all I need to know about "Sair" then,so now it's down
> to 2 choices: LPI and Redhat.

O.K.  now I have to jump in as well.  This is coming from me, not the
company I work for.  I am currently working towards my RHCE and taking
the Red Hat classes. I'm in the RH133 this week.  I am learning so much,
and the classes are very inclusive.  The instructors are helpful, and
the courses are very "hands on" which makes it more valuable to me. 
Again, this is just my opinion, not because I work for Red Hat, but
because I'm impressed with the instructors and the classes.  The RHCE is
not a cert. you can get from "book knowledge"  only, but a very
intensive hands on test.  I know of at least one system admin who has
failed the test the first time, and he was VERY knowledgable.  It is not
a "paper certificate" like some are, but a very real test of your
knowledge and skill.  I don't know anything about LPI, other than what I
read here, but I can tell you from first hand experience that the Red
Hat classes are really good.
Marie Bennington
Customer Service Representative
ICQ# 4983764
Computers are like air conditioners:
        they stop working properly when you open windows

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