I finally got my NIC's to 100Megabit. I compiled kernel 2.2.18 and only
included support for 3c90x, but the NIC's then would not work at all. Next I
got the source code for the 3c90x driver from 3com and compiled it (However,
it the docs said it was for some older kernels). I copied the resulting
3c90x.o object file to /lib/modules/2.2.18/net and added 'alias eth0 3c90x'
to /etc/conf.modules. The NIC's work fine now, but I get a complaint at boot
about /etc/conf.modules being newer then /some/path/modules.dep.

What did I miss or do wrong? And can this procedure be stable? This box is
going to be a master name server.


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