Thomas Ribbrock wrote:

> Hi folks,
> there's something I've been wondering about for a while: On my network,
> I have an OpenBSD box, a RH 5.2 box and two RH 6.2 boxes. I'm using ssh
> between them all the time (ftp/telnet both disabled). If I log in
> remotely (from a terminal window on a RH box) into the OpenBSD box and shut
> it down (shutdown -h now), the box shuts down and the remote session gets
> terminated properly without me having to log off explicitly.
> If I do the same thing with any of the RH boxes, the ssh session simply
> freezes when the remote box has shut down and I have to explicitly kill it
> or close the terminal window.
> Is there any way to get the RH boxes to shut down their network services
> gracefully on system shutdown (like the OpenBSD box)?
> Thanks in advance,

Thomas I see this behaviour on my redhat to redhat connections as well.  I have
not taken the time to dig it up but I believe it will be in either ssh_config
sshd_config where seems like there is a setting to tell ssh to make it through a
network glich.  I remember coming across it reading the man page looking for
another bit of infomation.  I think it sends heartbeat type packets to make sure
the other side of the connection is there.

Probably in /etc/ssh/ssh_config I guess since the behavior is seen from the

OK since I was thinking about it
>From the ssh man page:

        Specifies whether the system should send  keepalive
              messages  to  the  other  side.   If they are sent,
              death of the connection or  crash  of  one  of  the
              machines  will  be properly noticed.  However, this
              means that connections will die  if  the  route  is
              down temporarily, and some people find it annoying.
              On the other hand, if keepalives are not send, ses­
              sions  may hang indefinitely on the server, leaving
              "ghost" users and consuming server resources.

              The default is "yes" (to send keepalives), and  the
              server  will notice if the network goes down or the
              client host reboots.  This avoids infinitely  hang­
              ing sessions.

              To  disable  keepalives, the value should be set to
              "no" in both the server and the  client  configura­
              tion files.
I don't know if this is the problem or not but it might be worth a try.


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