Title: CNET TODAY for Wednesday, January 17, 2001
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  Wednesday, January 17, 2001
   Today's Top News Stories: The tech news you need to know.

Linux worm holes
An Internet worm cobbled together from generally available hacking tools has compromised hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Linux servers by using two well-known security flaws in applications set up during the default installation of Red Hat Linux software.

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Apple cuts prices
In a move that may foreshadow the introduction of new consumer desktops, Apple Computer has launched a $200 instant rebate for two iMac models. In recent weeks, Apple has used a string of rebates and price cuts to clear out stocks of its PowerBook and Power Mac lines, which were updated at last week's Macworld Expo in San Francisco. An Apple spokeswoman declined to comment on the instant rebates.

Power to portables with cooling technology
A San Francisco company has received two patents for technology that may help achieve the Holy Grail of portable devices: making something smaller while not decreasing its battery life. Novel Concepts has registered the patents for a passive cooling technology called IsoSkin. It consists of two pieces of metal separated by about 500 microns--less than the thickness of a credit card--and partly filled with fluid in a vacuum, according to the company.

FCC eyes mandating wireless-roaming agreements
All wireless phone customers know the frustration of being too far away from their network to make a call--but should the government mandate that our phones work in these unserved areas?

Do antipiracy measures rob consumers?
Recently unveiled antipiracy measures aimed at eliminating even casual copying of software have some experts questioning whether companies have gone too far in controlling the use of their copyrighted material.

Hackers' video technology goes open source
The developers of hacker video technology DivX are going public, opening up much of their work to the open-source community. DivX, which has no relation to the failed Circuit City DVD player, has spread quickly in underground computer circles as a way to create and send extremely high-quality video files online. While no DivX programmers have been sued, the technology has featured prominently in other antipiracy cases brought by the movie industry.


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