On Fri, 26 Jan 2001, Raul S. Bucad wrote:

> hello,
>     I would like to ask if it is possible to increase the size of my
> "/var/spool/mail" by adding
> a second hard disk. My problem is My mail server is running our of
> precious HD space
> and I need to increase the size of my "/var/spool/mail" because mails
> are coming in and
> will fill my HD in no time. My only option is adding a new Hard disk. Is
> it possible to
> extend the filesystem "/var/spool/mail" to the second hard disk. I'm
> using Redhat 6.1.
>     Hoping for you help. Thanks and more power
>                                                                     Raul
> S Bucad
The easyest way is to partition and format the new hard drive.  Then
boot up in the single user mode, and mount the new mail partition on
/mnt/tmp.  (Create the mount point if it isn't already there.)  Then
move all the files from /var/spool/mail to /mnt/tmp.  Unmount /mnt/tmp,
and remount it as /var/spool/mail.  Edit /etc/fstab to reflect the
change, and change to your normal run level.

All of the steps have been covered in detail in the mailing list, but if
you have questions on any step, let us know.


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