----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael George" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 3:54 AM
Subject: Re: high load with screen blank

> I'm going to try turning off xscreensaver and see if that makes a
> difference...
> -Michael

I just read through this thread, but you may find that xscreensaver is the
cause.  I run Seti@Home, so pay attention to what is using how much of the
processor.  Normally, with the computer awake, Seti@Home gets 96-99% of the
processor.  With the X screen saver running and checking top from another
console, I would see that Seti@Home was getting 46-49% of the CPU while
xscreensaver took up the rest (and of course a little for top, etc.).

I killed the xscreensaver and just use power management to turn off the
monitor when idle - however that means I can't lock my screen either.



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