> Which is better to have, a diald or dial-on-demand with a nameserver,
> mail server, all around server, blah, blah, blah?
> Note: When you reply to this message, please include the mailing
>       list/newsgroup address in Cc: and my email address in To:.

Best to have in my experience: diald with a nameserver, mail server, all
around server, blh, blah, blah.


on-demand-ppp dialled too much with Windows boxes on the network. Diald is
extremely flexible in it's rules set for bringing up links.


Edward Dekkers (Director)
Triple D Computer Services Pty. Ltd.
822 Rowley Road
Oakford W.A. 6121
+61 8 9397-1040
ABN: 33 635 238 024

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