I went to real.com and followed "Real Player 8 Basic" link to the unix are and then chose "rp8.....libc6...._rpm...even followed the instructions and renamed it,but when I try to install it with gnome_rpm,or using the command line....it say .."...for a different architecture."
 What gives?
BTW:   I was running RH 6.0 (distro)...but I tried to upgrade...and all was fine except the RH dialer crashed(to the sound of smashing glass! LOL)....and I think there was one other problem,so I did a complete install of RH6.1...fixed that...BUT...Aktivison refuses to play any  (MS)AVI stuff says "unknown video codec." and "xanim" has lines through the video and no sound....
 ....SO...I was hoping Real video could bail me out,so I don't have to resort to playing videos on my Windoze box!

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