Miroslav Skoric wrote:

> Btw, I have noticed that my RH 6.2 disk room is getting smaller and
> smaller every day although I don't download much from the net. 'df'
> command says that there is only cca 15 megs free (that is 1% of the /
> partition, the rest of 1.8 gig is 99% used; /boot is only 11% used). Any
> suggestion what to check before re-formating the disk?

try an du -sh /*

This will give a summary of space used in each of the directories under /

I have seen a couple of things uses a bunch of disk space:

~/.netscape/cache  I hecver have figured out how to tell netscape to limit
the usage.  I know ther is a setting in preferences, but it does not seem to
have any effect

/tmp  mc will occasionally leave MONSTER files here especially if I ise it to
drillinto a large tar/cpio archive or install an rpm from a remote machine
ising the cd /#ftp:machinename command to view a remote filesystem.

core files can chew up a fair amount of space too.  find / -name core  will
find them

I ususally run something like find / -size +10000k to find big files and see
if I need them



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