On Sun, Jan 28, 2001 at 10:57:01AM -0500, Jason Costomiris wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 28, 2001 at 02:38:31AM -0500, Mark Clark wrote:
>: I am helping a friend connect his rh5.1 box to a verizon dsl
        connection (we are near Philadelphia since things seem to
        differ between regions) and wondering if they are using PPPoE
        or PPPoA?  The starter kit verizon mailed to him contained
        the dsl modem, a 10baseT ethernet card and starter software
        for that "other" operating system.  It's a dynamic IP so it
        seems I'll be setting up DHCP also.

        Uhhh...  RedHat 5.1 on a DSL connection...  I think you may
be busier than you realize...  Has that 5.1 system been fully and
completely upgraded to all of the upgrades that were available for
it?  Has the security on the box been locked down MUCH tighter than
anything out of the box.  Has EVERYTHING been properly configured.

        RedHat 5.1 had numerous security holes, some trivial to exploit.
An out of the box 5.1 configuration can be rooted in the blink of an
eye.  Even with all the security upgrades, the OOB permissions were
way too relaxed (like rsh and rlogin were enabled and root could log
in remotely).

        I don't even have my 5.1 upgrades on line any more, that's so old.
I also don't think you can even compile the new (2.4) kernels on that
box, because the compiler is so old.

        If you are not looking forward to being hacked and the trouble
that will come from reinstalling the entire system AFTER the entire system
has been compromised, you might want to upgrade that system now.  Safest
thing would be to upgrade to a newer distro AND upgrade that will all
the security upgrades that have been released since.

>: TIA

> In the Philly area, at least in South Jersey, they are using PPPoE.  I 
> installed my Mom's DSL a couple of months ago, and that's what they use.
> The good news is that it works wonderfully with the Linksys 4-port router
> that I put over there.
> BTW - you *must* have a windoze box or a mac to complete the Verizon DSL
> installation.
> -- 
> Jason Costomiris <><           |  Technologist, geek, human.
> jcostom {at} jasons {dot} org  |  http://www.jasons.org/ 
>           Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.

 Michael H. Warfield    |  (770) 985-6132   |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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