At 10:46 AM 2/2/01 +0100, you wrote:
>Going further, I discovered something...
>I am having a conflict between inet and sshd: if I run sshd from
>/etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd then it works nicely. If I try to run it from tcp
>wrappers, adding this line
>     ssh stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd sshd -i
>to /etc/inetd.conf, then it doesn't work.
>I checked /etc/hosts.deny and /etc/hosts.allow and these are ok (I tried
>different confs: allowing all, allowing some IPs and so...)
>I will appreciate any help!

The are various implementations of ssh, but it IS possible that TCP 
Wrappers support is already built-in to your ssh.  I.e., you MAY not need 
to include it inetd.conf.

If you get the Unix source code from and build it from scratch, 
the option is something like:

         ./configure --with-librwrap=/usr/lib/
         make install

Then I think that all you need to do is to put sshd into hosts.allow, as:


I don't know how to tell if such support is compiled into binary 
distributions (except that you could just try it).

                                         - Mike
Michael Hannon            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Physics          530.752.4966
University of California  530.752.4717 FAX
Davis, CA 95616-8677

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