On Fri, 2 Feb 2001, linda hanigan wrote:

> Hi,
> I need help figuring this out. I have 2 windows
> machines and 1 linux machine connected on
> eth0 I then use a ppp and a modem to connect
> to the internet on my linux box. 1 windows
> box is working great the other one explorer
> will not load web pages through the linux machine.
> I compared route on the two windows machines
> and they look like the same setup. So I tried
> pinging my ISP's DNS server from the win box
> that is not working. It dialed up and worked great.
> However Explorer never tries to call out and
> just gives errors when you try to retrieve web
> pages. Does anybody have any ideas i can try!
>                Thanks
>                Linda
Two places to check:
        the firewall rules on the Linux box - are you masquerading your
entire local network, or just the address of the first Windows machine?
        the network setup on the second machine - are you setting the
gateway, netmask, nameservers, and IP manualy, or your you using DHCP?
Make sure if you are setting things manualy that the two windows
machines are the same except for IP address.  Use the network selection
from control panel as well as the route command.

I suspect it is in your firewall rules.  Take a close look at the
masquerading rules and make sure you have a range of IPs for the local
net, and not just a single IP.  Something like  I don't
think the problem would be in the input or output rules, because you can
use Samba to connect from the second machine.


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